Know the Inter-Personal Relationships - useful to live life happily

The life is a complicated subject to discuss. But I am courageous to discuss it in my views. First thing we have to understand that life is a journey of Individual. I am giving one example to understand, if I have to go from Delhi to Mumbai I board a train I book a seat, then in my compartment the fellow passengers joined (its family members) , neighbourhood office colleagues are in same coach and society is in same train. Every body has different time with me to travel to leave me on their stops. 
Here one thing we must keep in mind that the husband and wife are co-passenger in journey and they can not interchange seats. Their stops may be different (life expectancy is different for each one) but they feel that its same. So whatever decisions one take, whatever act one do he/she alone responsible for it none other person is responsible.

Our aim should be peaceful journey and do act on the works which gives you happiness, If you are happy than your are smiling flower and a good smiling flower can able to create charm in whole garden. 

The parents think that they are doing all for their children while when children grows up they think same for old parents, but remember no body does nothing for others they all do for themselves. If you spread prosperity you definitely become prosperous. 

We have in us a mind-called "man" in Hindi which always tells you before difficult situations to come to you which is either health problems, financial problems or others types. But if we ignore that inner voice we create a trouble situation for us later. 
So seat peacefully, close eyes and listen what your inner wants to tell you. Practice it then you will be connected with you first. 
Your presence is important but to feel others its really important you need to connect yourself. 
Every time the problem become bigger, if you speak on problems more and more. Because its rule "to whom you care more becomes bigger"-either children or problems or worries. 
So choice is yours which thing problems or worries or person you wish to become bigger in your life. So care for them more. 

Its spiritual talk hope this will make you happy for upcoming life and prosperous in life. 

As usual waiting for your emails at 

Dont miss to write me writing make us be connected. 

Thanks a lot,

Stay well Stay Happy Stay peaceful

Sachin C Narwadiya
Scientist D 
New Delhi

Social Gathering


Unknown said…
Congratulations sir,
You do such a great work
Thank you for sharing your valuable knowledge and information to us.
Such a lovely blog.
Keep it up.

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