Exam is always on

When we were children we had fear for exams. Sometimes paper was easy sometimes difficult. So we have to solve each and every paper to the best of our knowledge and quality. Here the latest thought is everyday is like an exam. Some peoples avoid examinations and hardships during their struggle and opt for favor/short cuts etc. then they definitely in life sometimes face critical examination by the situation. So never opt for wrong pathways never opt for short cuts as it will pay you in later part of life. The gold when burn itself can become kundan and hence burning in the fire of hard work will make us more glorious more fruitful more confident. Its our moral duty to understand the situations the laws and rules made by our ancestors for benefits of society and do not become so selfish that we look only self and not to others. As there is every action had equal and opposite reaction but if you put wrong foot on a path of life then life will definitely pay you in return whatever you did wrong. The past sometimes stood up in front and ask us for the payments which may be more worst situation to pay because of time lapses. The thoughts here I put up are simple to understand but if any further clarification needed then feel free to write me at snarwadiya@gmail.com. 
The exam is on and every day are not same. So if today we are facing hardship we must keep a patience inside, a hope for next morning shine and stick to work always. I recall my struggle days when I was too depressed those night I used to stand in front balcony of my house and used to stare the light poles shining far away from me, I used to thought that Ok, I will touch the light in coming days, I will definitely become twinkling like lighting stars one day. The through which generated with force make me stand all hardships and make me able to write lines of success. When the situation become too critical too dark all where try to pay attention on nature the environment as the nature always put eyes on you and keep you uplifting. 
Sachin C Narwadiya 


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