Telepathy-Lets connect ourselves to Almighty God

Thank you, for reading my blogs. Its really subject of pleasure for me to share my thoughts. This paragraph if you read adopt will surely change your life and way of thinking. Kindly read till end you will enjoy. 
As we know many religions exists on the Earth. Globally out of many religions three major ones are Christians, Muslims and Hindu. All these religions have several differences but  one common point that God is a light and the Almighty Gods children are human beings. Let's first see about Christians, the Jesus Christ never told that he is God but he was considered as Son of God which is a light, while in Muslim too the Allah Pak is considered as a light and while Hindu the religion considered to be originated from (ओम) OM the light coming behind (ओम) OM so at these point more or less we all have come common factor. 
Now its if you agree on above paragraph then please go for second the method to connect to the God. As we all human beings have power for communication through languages. But if we think is the God also understanding our language then the answer is NO. Because there are several languages which cant be learnt at a time. But there is one language between animals, plants and Human being that all can understand the language is of emotions. Animals plants and all can judge emotions either love or hate. The God is also taking our emotions, and whatever vibes we portray to the God, the same reached us after increased more. Let's understand this, if we survey the last 300 years we can see at maximum percentage of rich are richer at present and at max percentage of poor become poorer today. It is so because Rich  remember the God in Happy and Satisfactory way so his/her happiness and satisfaction increases. But the poor and those in pain remember in the emotion of pain and grief will have same thing increased more. So, the first thing you need is maximum time in a day remain happy so that no body knows when is your emotion connecting to the God and He will increase that emotion. 
Let's have one experiment too, for feeling of existence of God, because without practical experience its not our habit to trust.
One fine day if you came from home for some work, there is Sun shining more bright and you felt the heat of sun, now there a thought you will have Ohh! too heat its burning me, its bad for me. The Sun will become more brighter more heated at same time. If you diminished the thought and think Ohh! nice this heat is good for me, Sun given us Energy and the light by Sun is useful for plants for photosynthesis and we are getting food out of it. See effect Sun will become soft for you at same time. You send vibrations of thoughts and accordingly nature responded to you. So before throwing anything in nature think twice because it will come to you with many fold impact. Today we are facing problems of waste we thrown in Ocean and its coming back to us in form of many diseases like cancer. 
If you like the post please revert me at or you can comment on comment box too. 
Sachin C Narwadiya 
New Delhi 

                                                   Photo by Todd Trapani from Pexels


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