Husband and Wife relationships

We are living in marriage centric society in India. Here whole life of middle class or everyone circulated around marriage and related affairs. The business related to marriage functions is in millions of dollar business. When a child became grown up and earning everyone in society starts asking about his/her marriage. If marriage fixed and done then ok otherwise the parents and son/daughter have to take the thorns of questions regarding why marriage not happening? The parents and would be bride and grooms are suffered due to questions that they start 24x7 taking tension of marriage. 

If marriage executed then one can think problem sorted but its big NO its start of next problem. The questions now changed to why baby not conceived? So the marriages are society driven and for ease of society. Its not a part of freedom in India if one decide not to marry at all. The society will see unmarried person with weird eyes. After marriages also wife think that I got married now I can rule on husband and husband also thinks same in many cases. But they both forgot that marriage always means half holder of each other not full. One got married it does not mean one is answerable to each and every thing he/she doing. Freedom living is everyone's basic right and no one has right to snatch this right of living. The understanding when vanished after long time relationship and  if husband and wife start feeling that we will always be there with each other and over a period of time this thought become more and more strong then its the wrong path of relationship as one is not able to predict his/her life then others prediction is definitely a night mare. The sexual relationship is part of husband and wife relationship it is the need based thing more and much lesser a love based, people need Roti-Kpada-Makan (chapati-clothes-house) as their need in that list sex is also an addition. Because in my view sex is centralization of love for a particular person say here husband and wife. In the 1960-1970s there is a untold rule in society that bride need to be 7-10 years younger then groom which has scientific basis because the Bride has menopause during her 45 years of age while men are sexually active till 60s so to fill up this gaps the difference were kept among marrying couples. 

But now a days the gap of marriage years came down to 1-2 years on an average and that creates problems at later stages of life. So don't fall pray of marriage centric society those not married please close eyes think twice before marriage and those married also close eyes and see the article is addressing their problems. Don't tell me, because marriage problems can be solved by mutual understanding, keeping some self control, do not intervene much in partners life because he/she married but not a life prisoner. Many marriages are breaking due to not understanding of such a simple think and not co-operating with each other.

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