
Book Review on My Journey in Science Communication by Er. Ankita Baheti, Qatar

Book Review: My journey in science communication Author: Sachin C Narwadiya Publisher: Price: 350 on flipkart 267 on notionpress with code Enjoyjourney Reviewer: Er. Ankita Baheti, Qatar Review: My journey in science communication is an amazing, significant, wonderful book. Once you start reading, you get so impressed by its natural, easily understandable way of writing that you keep on reading the book, till it finishes in one go. However, one of nice features of the book is, its simple language and not too lengthy chapters. Yes, each chapter is of the length that reader is involved with the writer and relishes reading it. The book is about the remarkable voyage of Mr. Sachin Narwadiya ji, how he started, his graduation, jobs, post-graduation, his way of earning extra income, becoming science communicator and lot more. He hails the motto of “HOPE”  “We have two ways always either face the situation or escape with an excuse. The facing the situation is my habit since I

Exam is always on

When we were children we had fear for exams. Sometimes paper was easy sometimes difficult. So we have to solve each and every paper to the best of our knowledge and quality. Here the latest thought is everyday is like an exam. Some peoples avoid examinations and hardships during their struggle and opt for favor/short cuts etc. then they definitely in life sometimes face critical examination by the situation. So never opt for wrong pathways never opt for short cuts as it will pay you in later part of life. The gold when burn itself can become kundan and hence burning in the fire of hard work will make us more glorious more fruitful more confident. Its our moral duty to understand the situations the laws and rules made by our ancestors for benefits of society and do not become so selfish that we look only self and not to others. As there is every action had equal and opposite reaction but if you put wrong foot on a path of life then life will definitely pay you in return whatever you did

Husband and Wife relationships

We are living in marriage centric society in India. Here whole life of middle class or everyone circulated around marriage and related affairs. The business related to marriage functions is in millions of dollar business. When a child became grown up and earning everyone in society starts asking about his/her marriage. If marriage fixed and done then ok otherwise the parents and son/daughter have to take the thorns of questions regarding why marriage not happening? The parents and would be bride and grooms are suffered due to questions that they start 24x7 taking tension of marriage.  If marriage executed then one can think problem sorted but its big NO its start of next problem. The questions now changed to why baby not conceived? So the marriages are society driven and for ease of society. Its not a part of freedom in India if one decide not to marry at all. The society will see unmarried person with weird eyes. After marriages also wife think that I got married now I can rule on hus

Telepathy-Lets connect ourselves to Almighty God

Thank you, for reading my blogs. Its really subject of pleasure for me to share my thoughts. This paragraph if you read adopt will surely change your life and way of thinking. Kindly read till end you will enjoy.  As we know many religions exists on the Earth. Globally out of many religions three major ones are Christians, Muslims and Hindu. All these religions have several differences but  one common point that God is a light and the Almighty Gods children are human beings. Let's first see about Christians, the Jesus Christ never told that he is God but he was considered as Son of God which is a light, while in Muslim too the Allah Pak is considered as a light and while Hindu the religion considered to be originated from  (ओम)  OM the light coming behind (ओम) OM so at these point more or less we all have come common factor.  Now its if you agree on above paragraph then please go for second the method to connect to the God. As we all human beings have power for communication throug

Know the Inter-Personal Relationships - useful to live life happily

The life is a complicated subject to discuss. But I am courageous to discuss it in my views. First thing we have to understand that life is a journey of Individual. I am giving one example to understand, if I have to go from Delhi to Mumbai I board a train I book a seat, then in my compartment the fellow passengers joined (its family members) , neighbourhood office colleagues are in same coach and society is in same train. Every body has different time with me to travel to leave me on their stops.  Here one thing we must keep in mind that the husband and wife are co-passenger in journey and they can not interchange seats. Their stops may be different (life expectancy is different for each one) but they feel that its same. So whatever decisions one take, whatever act one do he/she alone responsible for it none other person is responsible. Our aim should be peaceful journey and do act on the works which gives you happiness, If you are happy than your are smiling flower and a good smiling

Career in Science does not mean only Doctors or Engineers

☺ In our country every middle class and upper middle class is thinking that if child took science in 10+2 then he or she must have to give competitive examination for Medical seat of Engineering seat. May be 10-15% parents do not think like this but maximum percentage is part of crowd running for either Medical seats of Engineering seats. Many parents take admission in paid seat in these two courses and fill up the pocket of college running politician. Here a serious question is why we are so crowd oriented personnel's? Why we did not see other career options in Science and Technology? The parents being educated lack awareness of the latest developments in Science and Technology. The Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Robotics, Bio-Medical, Bio-Physics, interdisciplinary Sciences are current need to inculcate. There are course in paramedics run by AIIMS, New Delhi and other medical institutes having less competition more job opportunities so lets change our direction of thought

How to prevent diseases-spiritual thought

This time is crucial for all of us as covid-19 still persisting in society. Everybody is frightened for Covid-19. In addition to the precautions laid down for covid-19 i.e Hand Wash, Mask and social distancing the following spirituality also need to be followed.  As you know the Human being is on the top of Animals and have brain to think, have languages to communicate and power to write. All these powerful items make us more sustainable. Use the power to release good vibes in the Environment and as you know that whatever you release you get back same. So chant good mantras like Gayatri Mantra, Mahamrtyunjay Mantra for benefits of whole world.  Spread brotherhood ship among other fellow human beings. Eat right, eat on time, eat lesser, eat good is the best principle to live happy.  Always try to keep self happy and do not come under any type of tension or crisis. Life is full of problems and we need to come up with solution and not the part of problem genesis. Everybody is busy in virt